Advocacy Is Multifaceted

Recorded November 30, 2023

Advocacy is so important for all museums, galleries and heritage organizations in today’s current economic and social environment. It is important to continually advocate with all three levels of government, not only for an enhanced funding model, but also for political support and acknowledgement of everything museums do for their communities, for their provinces and for their country at large. However, advocacy is multi-faceted. It also entails museums advocating for their communities’ wellbeing, for diversity and inclusion, for Truth and Reconciliation. Participants speak to the aspect of building relationships, as part of advocacy; to communications-the message and the delivery of the message are essential to successful advocacy; and working with and for your communities affords everyone an opportunity to take ownership of all advocacy efforts.


  • Michael Rikley-Lancaster, Curator & Executive Director, Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, and Vice-President, Ontario Museum Association Board
  • Sara MacKenzie, Executive Director, Ottawa Museum Network
  • Heather George, Executive Director, Woodland Cultural Centre, and Vice-President, Canadian Museums Association Board
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