Keynote: Resiliency Learning and Productive Failure in Museum Practice

This video recording from the Ontario Museum Association Annual Conference 2022 features:

  • Fiona Rawle, Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Toronto
  • Amy Barron, Program Coordinator, Fleming College
  • Cara Krmpotich, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Museum Studies

Museum professionals are well-acquainted with failure. From rejected grants to low turnouts to public criticism, failure is something we face in the museum field. Despite its frequency, and despite failure being an integral part of learning and risk-taking, “failure” continues to carry negative connotations. It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated our sensitivity around failure, leaving most of us feeling burnt out and defeated.

Can a reframed focus on failure bring us back to more positive and curious mindsets, allowing us to reprise our roles as creatives, dreamers, experimenters, risk-takers, and learners?

In a conversation moderated by Cara Krmpotich (Faculty of Information, UofT), Dr. Fiona Rawle (Dept. of Biology, UTM) and Dr. Amy Barron (Fleming College) will apply research on Resiliency Learning and Productive Failure to our work in the museum field. Rawle will outline ways of understanding failure as a necessary and inherently useful tool for learning while Barron will speak to her relationship with failure, risk, and learning as an educator and museum professional.

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