Storage & Preservation

Digital Needs Assessment

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Courtesy of the Canada Council for the Arts

What is it? 

  • Helps you identify where you want to be with your digital  skills 
  • Shows you the gap between your current and desired digital skills (and where you might want to invest) 

What are the benefits? 

  • You can see the opportunities for your organization 
  • You can identify the digital skills that will help your organization deliver results 
  • You can start to identify your digital goals

What should it assess? 

  • It will measure the gap between where you are today digitally and where you want to be
  • It looks at eight main categories of digital use
  • You might focus on specific categories or add categories, depending on what’s important for your organization.

Key Categories

Taken from: Digital Needs Assessment, Canada Council for the Arts

VisionThe goals your organization has for the digital future
Activities & ServicesHow you use digital to perform activities and deliver services to your target audience
Target AudienceHow you use digital to get information about your target audience: their digital expectations, preferences, and behaviours
EngagementHow you use digital channels to reach your target audiences
DevelopmentHow you build digital activities and services to suit their needs
TechnologyHow you currently use technology for processes and activities, and the type of technology you use 
People & OrganizationsHow you enable your people to use digital tools and encourage new technologies
SecurityHow you protect your digital information with clear processes that you update 

EXAMPLE: Digital Needs Assessment

Table listing categories of digital use, and assessment of current state and future goals

The example measures a fictional organization’s needs across eight possible categories.

For each category, there are four maturity levels where an organization can be: To Discover, Preliminary, Moderate, and Advanced.

With the use of the example, create your own Digital Needs Assessment for Archiving within your institution