Showing 43 results of 187 items
Keynote: Sacred Trust between Museums and Indigenous Peoples
This video recording from the Ontario Museum Association Annual Conference 2019 features Rick Hill speaking about a different type of Network – a connection to ancestral knowledge—in which the wisdom of the past can be understood through ongoing cultural practice,…
Beyond Bytown: Roundtable of Algonquin Leaders on Truth and Reconciliation and Museums
On the 29th of September 2021, the Bytown Museum had a Roundtable of Algonquin Leaders speaking on, and discussing, the topic of Truth and Reconciliation and Museums. The Roundtable was introduced and moderated by Robin Etherington, former Executive Director of…
“Ang.nga hll k̲uuyada: It is precious to me” Keynote
“By nature, museums reflect the social climate they exist within. Responsible museums bring attention to historic and current paradigms, all the while looking to the future. Effective museums not only have people paying attention, they inspire those people to engage…
Moved to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Canadian Museums
This comprehensive report seeks to determine the level of compliance that museum policies and best practices have with UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) and hopes to provide a national baseline of support for Canadian museums.…
Virtual School Programming: Whose Land Organizational Activity
Christina Sydorko, Oil Museum of Canada NHS • Karen Taylor, the Canadian Canoe Museum • Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
On May 25, 2022 the OMA hosted the webinar “Virtual School Programming – Decision Making for Small Museums“, with Christina Sydorko, Oil Museum of Canada; Karen Taylor, Canadian Canoe Museum; and Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal. The panel shared this organizational activity…
Small Bytes Webinar Series: Podcasting for Ontario Museums Toolkit
Adrian Petry, St. Catharines Museum & Welland Canals Centre • Angela Bobier, Backus-Page House Museum • Kathleen Powell, City of St. Catharines • Maxime Escario Blanco, Beyond Reach Productions Inc. • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
On July 2023, the OMA hosted the webinar “Podcasting in Ontario Museums“, with panelists: Kathleen Powell, City of St. Catharines; Adrian Petry, St. Catharines Museums and Welland Canals Centre; Maxime Escario Blanco, Beyond Productions; and Angela Bobier, Backus-Page House Museum;…
Small Bytes Webinar Series: Approaches to Online Exhibits Toolkit
Heidi Reitmaier, Myseum of Toronto • Kendra Campbell, Royal Ontario Museum • Natalie Wood, Brockville Museum • Ontario Museum Association • Peter Pavement, Surface ImpressionSummary
On March 9th 2023, the OMA hosted the webinar “Approaches to Online Exhibits“, with a panel of museum experts including: Peter Pavement, CEO at Surface Impression; Kendra Campbell, Interpretive Planner at the Royal Ontario Museum;Natalie Wood, Curator/Director at Brockville Museum;…
Honouring Our Roots: The City of Hamilton’s Indigenous Landmarks and Monuments Review
Angela DeMontigny, Designer, Artist, Entrepreneur • Heather George, Woodland Cultural Centre • John Summers, City of Hamilton • Keith Jamieson, Ethno-Historian, Curator, Adjunct Professor • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
This video recording from the Ontario Museum Association Annual Conference 2022 features: In 2019, the City of Hamilton began the process of reviewing their pre-existing landmarks, spaces, monuments, and markers, in order to address the perpetuation of settler colonialism, systemic…
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
This UN declaration outlines the standards that must be followed for the fair treatment and respect of Indigenous peoples.
Steps Towards Reconciliation
This toolkit provides 4 ways in which your organization can take steps towards reconciliation. Within these 4 steps, the Ontario Museum Association provides further links to resources that can aid in the implementation of the 4 steps towards reconciliation.
Virtual Community Engagement Guide: A Toolkit for Hosting Online Community Engagement Meetings in Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Communities
This toolkit was created to help address some of the most common virtual meeting barriers and opportunities. This toolkit provides guidance and tips in the form of tools and technology, to logistics and wise practices.
Indigenous Collections Symposium: Proceedings
This report prepared by the Ontario Museum Association is a collection of all the papers presented at the Indigenous Collections Symposium. The intention of these papers are to open an ongoing conversation between museums, its members, and Indigenous (First Nations,…
Indigenous Collections Symposium: Next Steps report
This report presents the key themes of: Promising Practices, Challenging Issues and Changing the System, that emerged from the Indigenous Collections Symposium participants feedback. The report also provides recommendations for next steps that are built from the foundations laid at…
What do archaeologists do and why should my museum care?
This webinar presented by the Ontario Museum Association showcases the mutually beneficial relationship between archeologists and museums. Guest speakers Alexis Dunlop and Janet Reid share how archeologists can bring new perspectives on areas and how museums can use those perspectives…
Indigenous Collections Symposium: Promising Practices, Challenging Issues and Changing the System
This symposium fostered the discussion on care and interpretation of Indigenous collections, particularly those held in trust by non-Indigenous organizations. Included: information about the schedule and speakers as well as the session and webinar recordings. See Museum Perspectives on the…
Indigenous Collections Symposium: Mashkawatgong-mamawewiziwin – strengthening our bonds, sharing our practices
This symposium, by supporting and connecting museum professionals from Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations and members of Indigenous communities, aimed to put the ideas from the previous symposium into effect. This event, organized by the Ontario Museum Association and Indigenous Collections…
Webinar: An Introduction to Residential Schools in Ontario: Histories and Interpretation
This webinar discusses the legacy of residential schools in Ontario, and their devastating, lasting effect on Indigenous peoples living in the province. Speakers delve into how museums can play a role in educating audiences on this point in history. The…
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
The National Inquiry’s Final Report reveals that human and Indigenous rights violations and abuses are the root cause behind Canada’s staggering rates of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people. The two volume report calls for transformative legal and…
Map of Ontario treaties and reserves
An online interactive map, allowing visitors to search for treaties and the area in which they cover, as well as reserves located in Ontario. The purpose of this map is purely illustrative, to allow educators, students, researchers and the general…
Native Land Digital
Native Land is an app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages on an international scale. The mission of Native Land is to map Indigenous lands, educate the general public on colonialism and territory awareness, and develop stronger links…
Indigenous Repatriation Handbook
The Indigenous Repatriation Handbook was created after the 2017 Repatriation Symposium hosted by the Royal BC Museum and the First Peoples’ Cultural Council. The intention of this handbook is to provide support to communities and museums to plan for repatriation…
BC Museums Association Repatriation Call to Action
This statement is a call upon all publicly-funded institutions to repatriate ancestral human remains and burial items by the British Colombia Museums Association (BCMA). This call also extends towards public education in its role to move towards decolonization and reconciliation.…
A Toolkit for Understanding Aboriginal Heritage & Burial Rights & Issues
This toolkit was developed to offer assistance to First Nations communities to understand heritage and burial rights and issues. This toolkit provides a general explanation of the definition of heritage and burial rights, and items for First Nations to consider…
Indigenous Protocols for the Visual Arts
The purpose of this resource guide is to provide practical guidelines for respectful engagement with Indigenous Peoples. It is part of an ongoing initiative to strengthen respect for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis visual art and artists, and legal and…
Kitchen Table Dialogue Guide for Individuals, Communities and Organizations
This do-it-yourself framework encourages Indigenous peoples and all Canadians the opportunity to gather their friends, family, neighbours and/or colleagues for constructive conversations on reconciliation. This resource includes a list of questions, an agenda template, guidelines, and additional resources.
Reconciliation Framework: The Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Taskforce
This framework sets the foundational principles to transform the Canadian archives profession in relation to Indigenous communities and memory. The content is informed by the Call to Action 701 issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), and…
What are we conserving?
This resource is a video recording of (Re)conciliation Working Group’s virtual panel, discussing how to recognize and mend colonial museum policies and practices, specifically within conservation. The panel speakers suggest consultation with Indigenous Peoples with informed consent, as well as…
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports is a multivolume report with the intent to lay the foundation for reconciliation for Aboriginal peoples whose lives were affected by the establishment of Residential Schools in Canada. This report is a result of…
Access + Care: Indigenous Knowledges and Archival Practice
Archives Association of Ontario • Archives of Ontario • Deyohahá:ge: The Indigenous Knowledge Centre at Six Nations Polytechnic (SNP)Summary
This symposium explored how memory workers and communities may respectfully care for and provide access to the many forms of Indigenous knowledge. This YouTube playlist contains recordings of the sessions, as speakers discuss their experiences as researchers of Indigenous collections…
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
A part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the Calls to Action were conceived in order to redress the legacy of Residential Schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation. This report…
The First Nations Principles of OCAP® (ownership, control, access, and possession)
The First Nations principles of ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP®) provides information on how First Nations have control over data collection processes and how this information can be used. The website includes videos and papers related to the history…
Task Force Report on Museums and First Peoples
The Task Force Report on Museums and First Peoples is a record of the consultation between First Peoples and Museums to develop recommendations for an ongoing working relationship. Working with representatives of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal museums, cultural centres, organizations and…
Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2, Chapter 9: Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada
This chapter by the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics outlines research standards involving Indigenous people in Canada. The Panel, in its commitment to promote ethical conduct, states the measures necessary when conducting research relating to Indigenous peoples and culture.…
Webinar: The Indigenous History of Ontario
This webinar, recorded on March 20, 2017, discusses the history of the Indigenous population in Ontario. This recording delves into terminology, language families, population and Ontario Land claims statistics, colonial policy, and residential schools. The speakers also detail treaties, and…
Webinar: Museum Perspectives on the Task Force on Museums & First Peoples and the Recommendations on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
This webinar discusses the Task Force Report on Museums and First Peoples, published in 1992. The speakers explain how the Task Force came into effect and the work done by the organization to develop progress in museum spaces. The webinar…