Showing 187 results of 187 items
Board Governance Policy
This governance policy outlines the duties and responsibilities expected of the ROM’s board members.
Keynote: Sacred Trust between Museums and Indigenous Peoples
This video recording from the Ontario Museum Association Annual Conference 2019 features Rick Hill speaking about a different type of Network – a connection to ancestral knowledge—in which the wisdom of the past can be understood through ongoing cultural practice,…
Closing A Museum Well
Alberta Museums Association • Association of Nova Scotia Museums • British Columbia Museums Association • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
Recorded October 25, 2023 as part of the OMA’s Fall Workshop Series. Museums and galleries across Canada are increasingly having conversations about their future and exploring closure as an option. There are a multitude of reasons for museums closing, including…
Introduction to the Tourism Growth Program with FedDev Ontario
On January 17, 2024, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) hosted a virtual program information session with the Ontario Museum Association on the Tourism Growth Program, with FedDev experts Jordan Grensewich and Alison Barclay presenting on…
A Year in Advocacy: The Provincial Budget Cycle
Prepared by the OMA, this guide outlines how the provincial budget cycle works, identifies actions museums can take year-round to engage the provincial government in their advocacy, and shares further resources to support learning.
Strategic Planning – Planning for Organizational Success
Museum Board members and staff are well aware that institutional planning is fundamental to a strong, successful and credible organization. There are mounting demands on museums to demonstrate to external stakeholders that they meet real community needs, provide value for…
Beyond Bytown: Roundtable of Algonquin Leaders on Truth and Reconciliation and Museums
On the 29th of September 2021, the Bytown Museum had a Roundtable of Algonquin Leaders speaking on, and discussing, the topic of Truth and Reconciliation and Museums. The Roundtable was introduced and moderated by Robin Etherington, former Executive Director of…
Effective Advocacy Communications: Helpful Tips and Advice
For the session “Advocacy is Multifaceted” as part of the OMA’s Fall Workshop Series 2023, Sara MacKenzie, Executive Director of the Ottawa Museum Network, prepared a clear guide of helpful tips and museums and heritage organizations to engage in effective…
Making Heritage Sites Accessible: Fool’s Paradise
Avory Capes • Maggie Nevison • Miaochun Chen • Ontario Heritage Trust • University of Toronto Master of Museum Studies ProgramSummary
University of Toronto Master of Museum Studies students Avory Capes, Miaochun Chen and Maggie Nevison partnered with the Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT) to review the accessibility barriers present at Fool’s Paradise, the original home of Canadian landscape artist, writer, and…
“Ang.nga hll k̲uuyada: It is precious to me” Keynote
“By nature, museums reflect the social climate they exist within. Responsible museums bring attention to historic and current paradigms, all the while looking to the future. Effective museums not only have people paying attention, they inspire those people to engage…
Emergency Response Plan: West Parry Sound District Museum
This resource is the West Parry Sound District Museum’s Emergency Response Plan. The plan includes evacuation procedures, collections, salvage and recovery procedures, floor plans, call lists, and much more.
The Sensational Museum Glossary
This resource is an extensive glossary created by the Sensational Museum. The Sensational Museum is a research project radically re-thinking the role of senses in museums. This interdisciplinary project will design and create sensory interventions that are accessible to all…
Developing a Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response Plan
Preparing for disaster is one of the most important things a museum can do in order to safeguard its collections and protect staff and visitors from hazards. This guide provides a primer on disaster preparedness and helps museums understand the…
CCI Note 14/2: Emergency Preparedness for Cultural Institutions: Identifying and Reducing Risks
This guide lists hazards that may threaten your institution or its collections. This list is meant to serve only as a guideline. Add or delete hazards from this list to fit your situation, and use the answers to these questions to…
Emergency Preparedness Framework: Emergency and Disaster Plan
The Emergency and Disaster Plan was created by the Alberta Museums Association. The guide they provide is a comprehensive procedural document that guides a museum’s response in an emergency or disaster. Ensure that the document you develop from their template…
A Guide to Risk Management of Cultural Heritage
This guide, supported with examples and illustrations, provides a scientific model and methodology for risk examination and assessment. It enables cultural heritage professionals and institutions to devise intervention plans based on thorough assessment, which can ultimately facilitate decision-making processes.
Moved to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Canadian Museums
This comprehensive report seeks to determine the level of compliance that museum policies and best practices have with UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) and hopes to provide a national baseline of support for Canadian museums.…
Virtual School Programming: Whose Land Organizational Activity
Christina Sydorko, Oil Museum of Canada NHS • Karen Taylor, the Canadian Canoe Museum • Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
On May 25, 2022 the OMA hosted the webinar “Virtual School Programming – Decision Making for Small Museums“, with Christina Sydorko, Oil Museum of Canada; Karen Taylor, Canadian Canoe Museum; and Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal. The panel shared this organizational activity…
Virtual School Programming Decision Making Worksheet
On May 25, 2022 the OMA hosted the webinar “Virtual School Programming – Decision Making for Small Museums“, with Christina Sydorko, Oil Museum of Canada; Karen Taylor, Canadian Canoe Museum; and Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal. Christina Sydorko created this practical worksheet…
Small Bytes Webinar Series: Podcasting for Ontario Museums Toolkit
Adrian Petry, St. Catharines Museum & Welland Canals Centre • Angela Bobier, Backus-Page House Museum • Kathleen Powell, City of St. Catharines • Maxime Escario Blanco, Beyond Reach Productions Inc. • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
On July 2023, the OMA hosted the webinar “Podcasting in Ontario Museums“, with panelists: Kathleen Powell, City of St. Catharines; Adrian Petry, St. Catharines Museums and Welland Canals Centre; Maxime Escario Blanco, Beyond Productions; and Angela Bobier, Backus-Page House Museum;…
Actionable Online Accessibility Toolkit: Small Bytes Webinar Series
Francis Tomkins, Tangled Art + Disability • Ontario Museum Association • Sean Lee, Tangled Art + Disability • Shelley Boden, Access AdvisorSummary
On February 22 2023, the OMA hosted the webinar “Actionable Online Accessibility“, in which the panel of museum experts discussed how to increase the accessibility of websites, online exhibits, online programs and social media to ensure that digital transformation also…
Small Bytes Webinar Series: Approaches to Online Exhibits Toolkit
Heidi Reitmaier, Myseum of Toronto • Kendra Campbell, Royal Ontario Museum • Natalie Wood, Brockville Museum • Ontario Museum Association • Peter Pavement, Surface ImpressionSummary
On March 9th 2023, the OMA hosted the webinar “Approaches to Online Exhibits“, with a panel of museum experts including: Peter Pavement, CEO at Surface Impression; Kendra Campbell, Interpretive Planner at the Royal Ontario Museum;Natalie Wood, Curator/Director at Brockville Museum;…
Digital Strategy Checklist Tool
Corey Timpson, Corey Timpson Design Inc. • Mary-Katherine Whelan, Amherstburg Freedom Museum • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
On April 29, 2022 the OMA hosted the webinar “The Digital Strategy – Intention through Application“, with Corey Timpson, Corey Timpson Design Inc. and Mary-Katherine Whelan, Amherstberg Freedom Museum. This checklist is a tool to help small organizations ensure deliberate…
Honouring Our Roots: The City of Hamilton’s Indigenous Landmarks and Monuments Review
Angela DeMontigny, Designer, Artist, Entrepreneur • Heather George, Woodland Cultural Centre • John Summers, City of Hamilton • Keith Jamieson, Ethno-Historian, Curator, Adjunct Professor • Ontario Museum AssociationSummary
This video recording from the Ontario Museum Association Annual Conference 2022 features: In 2019, the City of Hamilton began the process of reviewing their pre-existing landmarks, spaces, monuments, and markers, in order to address the perpetuation of settler colonialism, systemic…
Guelph Museums Collection Management Policy
Guelph Museums’ collection management policy sets forth the goals and standards of Guelph Museums with respect to managing its collections.
Accessibility Plan 2023-2027
This document outlines the Peterborough Museum & Archives’ updated strategy to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility following public engagement activities in 2022. For the PMA, an accessible museum is one that offers equal access to the museum property, buildings,…
Innovating with Collections Online
The Ontario Museum Association is pleased to share, in collaboration with Toronto History Museums and Digital Action Research & Training, a new resource for museums to ethically collect, preserve, and leverage oral histories and born-digital collections.
Ethics Guidelines
This document looks at how a museum worker/museum, when faced with an ethical dilemma, can resolve it in a balanced manner. The purpose of the guideline is to promote a climate of integrity, assist museum workers and museums with making…
ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums
This code of ethics policy document outlines the minimum standards of ethics that are accepted by the international museum community. The standards are presented as a series of principles supported by guidelines for desirable professional practice.
Governance Policy
This governance policy outlines the principles by which the Simcoe County Museum operates. This resource can be used as an example for structuring governance policy.
Report on Amalgamation Issues- Findings and Recommendations
This report outlines in detail the process taken by Norfolk County as they amalgamated their culture and heritage system. The report shows their initial thoughts of areas of issues and the steps they took to get to a list of…